I came up with a new tagline for Bobwhite.

Three girls. One school. Two big adventures.”

pretty great amirite????

Posted on August 11, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Summer « Summer. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

8 Responses

  1. pencilears says:

    wait a minute, it is impossible to get lost on a beach.
    beaches are essentially linear, you go in one direction and then turn around and go back, there are no turns you can make aside from that.

  2. Static Air says:

    The new tagline sounds pretty cool and all, but I’m confused about the two adventures? How are we quantifying the adventures, or are you just playing off the opposite of the ending of the usual tagline being “one big adventure!”? In that case, it’s awesome.

  3. WhoTookThatty says:

    Tagline for this specific strip: Three grown-ass nerds, two possible directions*, one big CLONK.
    Oww. Poor Cleo. Always getting the short end of the (slap) stick.

    *Assuming pencilears is correct.

  4. alexds1 says:

    Terrifying. Straight out of one of those “I Almost Died…” shows

  5. Ellie says:

    “How can you tell!?” ahaha i love cleo she’s so cute ! ^-^

  6. I thoroughly enjoy how they’ve almost crossed into some kind of nerdy-girl Three Stooges territory with this one. While someone has probably envisaged what the Three Stooges would be like as attractive women before, it was probably something darkly perverse on deviantart or something.

    I like your take better!

  7. dorkdorkdorkster says:

    Oh man bro. a) tagline is genius. b) I love that you have the archives set up to separate Bobwhite into specific semesters and breaks from school. Genius in its simplicity.

    If I wasn’t also a poor college student I would pay you money.

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