Sometimes I try different ways of drawing my comic. Sometimes those ways don’t really work, but then its time to upload and its too late. This was one of those times.

Posted on September 3, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Summer « Summer. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

11 Responses

  1. Agustin says:

    Hahaha… I just love Daniel, he’s so cool.

  2. Esco says:

    Tell it like it is, Fig!

  3. SheanaM says:

    Fig is the best.

  4. Brigid Keely says:

    Mostly I don’t like Fig. I mean, he’s an awesome character, but on a persona level he’s really gross. But I like him here.

  5. Lillian says:

    Figley is such a great character. I recall his “faggy” opera tattoo, as well.

  6. Krimson says:

    I see Fig dressed up for the occasion. No obscene shirts for “meet the father”!

  7. Emily says:

    What’s up with Marlene’s hair? Did she brush it or…or what?

  8. BentKatana says:

    *looks up esoteric* “Belonging to the inner circle”. Mr. Fink, you improved my vocabulary. Thank you, sir.

  9. fattypneumonia says:

    Esoteric, esoteric…

    Lois, “Who’s the Boss?” is NOT a food.

    (swing and a miss)

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