At first I thought this was too gross to be a comic and then I thought “wait I need an idea for wednesday, aw fuck it”

Posted on April 27, 2011 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Spring « Spring. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

26 Responses

  1. River says:



  2. Ryan says:

    yes. yes i do.

  3. Esco says:

    I’m going to ask my roommate if this ever happens to her.

  4. Kendra says:

    I thought I was the only one that happened to

  5. Phil Kahn says:

    Said it before, said it again.

    The world needs more vagina jokes.

  6. notmarkflynn says:

    Similar to the male phenomenon of having tour testicles in one pant leg and penis in the other.

  7. kitty says:

    I love this comic.

  8. LFM says:

    I like it!

    One of your best one-off non-storyline strips!

  9. legamorf says:

    Ahah a haha, thank you for this one! So very true! I’m going to bring this up to my roommate now. Its an…issue(?) that needs to be addressed!

  10. Brian says:

    Man, I thought guys were the only ones that had to deal with that kinda stuff… I’m so sorry.

  11. NerfWarrior says:

    Mar’s expression MAKES this comic.
    I’m still giggling.

  12. Loren says:

    YES. Thanks for the vagina jokes. Women are allowed to say gross things too.
    I usually do.

  13. Emily says:

    My God. Ivy and I were meant to be friends. I wish you were real, Ivy, I have these weird ideas all the time, and never vocalize them as you do.

  14. Van says:

    Pfffffffffffft. HAA HAA! So random!

    Also, I love Marlene’s reaction!

  15. David says:

    LOVE IT. You should make this the entire characters page.

  16. alex says:

    your face

    this is too funny

  17. bremma says:

    I love the fact that Marlene is literally shaking in horror at this statement. I know one of my friends that would do the same thing if I said something like that. Or mentioned the word ‘speculum’.

  18. M says:

    And this is why underwear is important.

  19. Pip says:

    oh god psshaahhahahahahahahaaaaaaahahahahaaahahahahaha icantbreathe

    I think I woke up everyone in my building, thanks x)

  20. Twigs says:

    Okay I really need to learn the names of parts of the female genitals. In our high school health class they just sort of went over it in about ten minutes of one class, then never mentioned it again. Didn’t help that our teacher was male.

    Is it bad that I’m female, 22, and don’t know what a labia is? I guess it’s just never come up in everyday conversation =/

  21. somedude says:

    well I laughed for ten minutes, so good jorb!
    also, @twigs, for gods sake you have wikipedia! anatomy need not be a mystery!

  22. Deborah says:

    whaaaaat?! *Breathless laughter, squeak*

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