Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments yesterday. They really meant a lot to me. I hope you’ll enjoy the last few weeks of Bobwhite.

Posted on May 11, 2011 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Spring « Spring. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

36 Responses

  1. Ben Paddon says:

    Wow. I actually got a little teary-eyed.

  2. yitz says:

    There are no words. *dies*

    I love this comic and I will miss it so much! But I am confident that whatever you do next will be even better.

  3. Wired says:


  4. mannequinhill says:

    Oh SooYung, you are too cool for this world.

  5. Rachie says:

    I love Sooyung so much right now.

  6. Brendan says:

    Can the Bobwhite sequel be “SooYung Adventures” please

  7. Yam says:

    ahahahahhahah YESS

  8. Jo says:

    …and Soo Yung returned to career to become a freelance detective.

  9. Angelina says:

    Awwwwwwwww ): I love that she puts the hat on at the end.

  10. David says:

    Haha, yesssssss! This is the best. That’s what it is.

  11. sebastian says:

    Magnolia, I want to say that I love Bobwhite. Its incredibly witty and the characters are real but you play with them at the same time. It reminds me of Octopus pie and girls with slingshots. Your alt texts make me re read everyone one of the strips.

  12. M says:

    Now it’s even harder decide between Figley and Soo Yung for best character.

  13. Sho says:

    SooYung’s tattoo is extremely appropriate. Nice touch.

  14. TalonJ says:

    I was gonna say, but it seems someone already beat me to it- I would be totally down if your next project was about Soo Yung. You seem to really like the character and I could see that translating well to a ongoing.

  15. Big Josh says:

    I know it has nothing to do with this current strip….but I can’t imagine a life without dan figley

  16. jec says:

    Oh SooYung.. another fav. The female Figley. Ciao, love. D”8

    By the way, I forgot to add this in my comment yesterday, but I’d like to agree with the others there who said they’d buy a printed Bobwhite comic. I would buy that so fast. I really, really want one just to keep on my bookshelf and cherish forever and pass down to my grandchildren and re-read on my whim.
    Do you think a printed book is at all possible? D: <33

  17. Anybody else think of Casablanca?

  18. GBeans says:

    I’m gonna miss Bobwhite. In a sad kinda way feels like I grew up alongside these guys, being only slightly older than they were when it started, and doing the same sort of coursework.

  19. Elizabeth says:

    Every single character in Bobwhite is solid gold.

  20. SDS says:

    Is Sooyung biting her lip, or is that just the curve of her mouth?

  21. V says:

    Ohhhhh dang. I’m really going to miss Bobwhite and all these ladies, but you’ve got to know when to end something. This has been such a great piece of work! I love these characters! I love your storylines!

    I hope your next work is just as good, but I mean, you did this after The Good Crook, so I’m pretty sure you’ve got it in you.

  22. j says:

    this is a fantastic webcomic, and I’ll miss it a lot. but i’m equally psyched to see your next project! best of luck i know you’ll go far

  23. ira says:

    I’m honestly going to miss Bobwhite SO much. There will be a huge void in my webcomic world without it! Magnolia, seriously, have you thought of combining the strips into a book?

  24. Helina says:

    I’m totally digging panel eight and SooYung’s hat.

    *salutes SooYung*

    You were the comic’s Ensemble Darkhorse.

  25. Deborah says:

    Mama Soo! No idea why I called her that. Guess she’s that mother you’re not sure loves you until you’re out of the nest. lol

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