
Today’s fantastic guest strip comes from my good buddy Paul Cleland, who is a great cartoonist and all around good guy. You can check out his comic Real Cane Sugar or check out his art blog. Both are pretty fuckin’ great! Paul has such a cool, loose, expressive style. He makes it look easy. Thanks so much Paul!!

Posted on May 3, 2011 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Spring « Spring. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses

  1. Roto13 says:

    Ivy has quite the bulge in panel 3.

    • Char says:

      man I know it’s the internet but seriously can we please keep the so-called “art glitch” pointing out to a minimum? Yeah something might look weird to you but it should be obvious that nobody wants to hear about it! Also its totally rude.

      Sorry normally I love your comments Roto and I don’t mean any offense its just that there have been a lot of these lately and it’s soooo annoying!

  2. Paul says:

    that’s the zipper of her jeans! D:<

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