Here’s the (less adorable) place this all started.

There’s about a year’s worth of comics uploaded, but I’m still working on it. Thanks for bearing with me guys.

Posted on August 25, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Summer « Summer. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

12 Responses

  1. Gundy says:

    The sound effects are pretty dead on

  2. Van says:

    New tagline for the movie:

    The Expendables: So awesome, even gay guys feel manly.

  3. Severn says:

    The Expendables makes all men want to hug each other. It is Twilight for dudes.

  4. Sarah says:


  5. dennis says:

    BROMANCE !!! at its finest

  6. Vance says:

    Bahahaha! So far this is my favorite one of the week.

  7. Arsnof says:

    No, thank YOU for about a years worth of great comics.

    • Yhynens says:

      Man she did the same thing when I emailed her a long time ago (to tell her Cleo was way too much like an exgirlfriend and it was awkward to read but I loved the comic anyway.) She was all “Hahah, thanks!” and I was thinking “thank me? You’re the one who rules.”

  8. Krimson says:

    Oh my goodness, this is absolutely adorable. And awesome. And adorable. Awesdorable!

  9. smallhound says:

    Aw, the little heart.

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