Just the lineart for now, my mother is visiting and I’ve gotten behind again. This weekend I’ll catch up though, and color should be up tonight.

Posted on August 24, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Summer « Summer. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses

  1. Severn says:

    I was just having a fun time insulting you, and then you had to go and not like it! For shame, grandson!

    I can really identify with Lewis here.

  2. smallhound says:

    I dunno, Lewis can be such a little bitch at times.

  3. Krimson says:

    Ahaha, oh Cori, just Facebook friend request Ivy, then upload your video to YouTube to send, and then Tweet blurbs from that book! That’s how it works these days!

    I don’t know about sending soap electronically, though.

  4. cookie says:

    I’m not a big fan of a homophobic grandpa. Or a sister that abets. Particularly in a Southern context. AND PIROUETTES ARE EFFING HARD. But whining…

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