Posted on August 17, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Summer « Summer. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

9 Responses

  1. Mario C says:

    I’m a little disappointed Cleo’s DS isn’t her spirit animal.

  2. Ellie says:

    oh em g fir- *guhhh* phew sorry about that, anyhoozles back to an actual comment, i dont think a chipmunk would make a very good spirit..i mean heck a giant pink fish has credibility but a chipmunk…i dunno about those guys…

  3. Rogue Protagonist says:

    I would expect Cleo’s spirit animal to be, like, Totoro or something.

  4. Niall says:

    I thought they were called spirit animals because they only appeared when you drank spirits.
    Heh; Tequilabrador, Advokaardvark, Midoreagle, Blue Curacobra, Creme De Chinchilla, Peach Shnakes, um…
    Ok, that’s all I got.
    Wait no! Pandabsinthe!

  5. Eldrek says:

    Heheh, Cleo’s hopeful face in panel 3 cracks me up.
    Nice irony there, making the squirrel NOT be her spirit animal even though it would sort of fit her personality.

  6. Severn says:

    I dunno, it’s a close race between Cleo’s face and the Chipmunk’s in the third panel. File it in the dictionary under “appalled.”

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