Posted on August 27, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Summer « Summer. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

9 Responses

  1. KoryBing says:

    And this is why I love SooYung.

  2. carlabarla says:

    And now we finally know!

  3. Mordecai says:

    SooYung is the best character ever. I squeal in falsetto glee whenever I see her in a comic. You should win a prize for how awesome SooYung is. If I’d created her I could die happy, knowing I’d made the world that much better a place, via the glory that is SooYung.

  4. M says:

    SooYung, be my girlfriend.

  5. Ellie says:

    so…its just a year long case of jet lag…it all makes sense now!!

  6. WhoTookThatty says:

    B-b-but we all love you, SooYung. Sobsobsob.
    The first panel makes me wanna draw her in a poodle skirt. Iunno, it’s just the vibe I’m gettin’ from her there.
    Of course, I’d need to draw her punching someone in the face immediately after. To restore balance and order to the world, y’know.

  7. Edison T. Allere says:

    Is that tattoo on her shoulder an airship? It looks like an airship. If it is, then my will to MARRY HER will strengthen a HUNDREDFOLD.

  8. Nick Torrid says:

    No…I think her tattoo is the Bacardi bat.

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