Sorry this is late. Comics will likely be late this week. My laptop was stolen out of my bag during my flight home. It sucked.

Posted on January 4, 2011 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Spring « Spring. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

13 Responses

  1. M says:

    And Figley continues to be the best character ever.

  2. gernobyl says:

    Urh. Really sorry about the laptop. I live in a place where all the things get stolen all the time, and i don’t care if it’s *only* material, it does sucks. Anyways computers (and bikes and agendas) seem somehow more than mere material.

  3. gernobyl says:

    (erm, “it does suck” is what it is)

  4. Mel says:

    Aww, fucking thieves 🙁

    Also, I seriously sympathize with Marmar there. I’ve been that person trying to do work before 😛

  5. fjam says:

    was your laptop insured/travel insured, or are you going to have to get another one? that blows, hope it works out, say the word if donations would help!

  6. barbaric yip says:

    Holy shoes, that DOES suck. Huge amounts of sympathy sent your way.

  7. jec says:

    First of all, this discussion is hilarious. I’m gonna ask some of my vegan friends now.. XD And Fig rocks, as always.
    Secondly, I’m sorry to hear about your laptop being stolen! That really sucks. D:”’ Don’t stress a couple late comics–you’re normally so awesome about updating, anyway.

  8. Jim says:

    “The Wisdom of Figley” should be like a regular ‘thing’. There is much this sage of the world can teach us.

  9. Rogue Protagonist says:

    Sorry to hear about your laptop, hopefully my donation will help out a bit.

  10. BentKatana says:

    Wow…I never even thought…wow. Good point. D: I wonder now, lol. And geez, some people are just unbelievable! Good luck with your laptop! :/

  11. Emily says:

    I am going to find the low-life who stole your laptop and punish them severely for denying me Bobwhite. I’m with that one comment: if donations help, say the word D:

  12. Roto13 says:

    There was that vegan couple who let their baby starve to death on a diet of soy milk and juice. Because Vegans are morons.

  13. Severn says:

    Bah, bleeding TSA won’t let you put a lock on your luggage without you include a note with the combination on it.

    My hatred and contempt for airport security should be enshrined in skaldic verse.

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